How to Protect Your Valuable Data over the CLOUD

Here are the ways to ensure that your apps or data processing are safe on the cloud environment.)

Security is one of the topmost concerns over the cloud, especially over the public cloud. Although cloud benefits the organizations with flexibility, accessibility and storage, it can’t be denied that it may be vulnerable to several threats. Most business owners are worried as their data is stored on the Internet, not on their servers in their premises.

But you can enjoy the benefits of the cloud while keeping the risks at a bay. Here’s how…

Store Private Information Over Private Cloud:

Although public cloud is cheaper, it is not safe as it is a shared platform with other users. This is why you should place your sensitive information over a private cloud. A private cloud vendor generally offers you robust security measures.

Deal with Insider Threats:

Insider threats can be your ex-employees or those who have grudges against the company. They are more dangerous than virus or other security threats. To prevent the threat from occurring, you should monitor your employee’s computers and change the credentials once they resign from your workplace.

Set a Data Backup Plan:

No matter if your cloud vendor offers you a backup plan, always have a data backup system in place. After all, there are many incidents of permanent data loss over the cloud. Automated data backup are ideal. As the name suggests, it automatically takes your data backup. And this feature makes it important as most users are not able to routinely backup data daily or weekly without fail.

Create Strong Passwords:

The files over the cloud are zipped and encrypted with passwords. But hackers can crack over 90% of passwords. Always use a strong password. A password should be a mix of at least eight characters, one number and mixed case. However, it would be better if cloud vendor has an OTP system to grant access only to the authorized users as they login.

About Ng Wei Khang

Ng Wei Khang, CEO at a Singapore based IT consultancy company, APIXEL IT Support, has been operational for over 8 years from now. Apixel provides fixed price IT Support Services with unlimited packages that includes small business server setup, Cloud Solution Configuration, Network management and Data security & Theft prevention. The company also provides expert IT consultancy to SMEs in Singapore.

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